Estonian State Archives

The State Archives is a state archival institution functioning since 1921. Its main task is to collect archival records of state institutions. We also systematically collect private archives of organizations and private persons. The archives have received documents from expatriate Estonia since the middle of the 1990s, the most important of which are the archival collections connected with the Estonian statehood: the Estonian Consulate General in New York (ERA. 4969), the Estonian Government in Exile (ERA.1969), and a collection of documents of diplomatic value to Estonia from the Baltic Archives (ERA.957). The depositories of the State Archives also contain private archives of statesmen (Karl Robert Pusta, Ernst Jaakson, Aleksander Warma, Artur Mägi) and cultural personalities (sisters Agnia (Rutt) and Elga Eliaser, Lembit Nõmmeots). The collection of private archives includes several archives reflecting Estonians’ society activities and cooperation (the Borås Estonian Union, the Estonian Relief Committee in Sweden, the Uppsala Estonian Democratic Club, the Union of Estonian Organizations on the Western Coast et al). More information on the contents of the collections can be found in the electronic catalogue of the National Archives at AIS.