Who are we?
The Non-Profit Association Baltic Heritage Network was founded in Tartu on January 11, 2008.
NPA BaltHerNet was established to foster cooperation between national and private archives, museums, libraries, institutions of research, public associations and organizations collecting and studying the cultural heritage of the Baltic diaspora.
It aims to facilitate the preservation and research of the historically valuable cultural property of the Baltic diaspora, as well as to ensure accessibility of these materials to the public.
NPA BaltHerNet is also committed to the organizing of conferences, seminars and workshops, and to developing and administrating the electronic information website Baltic Heritage Network, a multilingual electronic gateway for information on the cultural heritage of the Baltic diaspora.
What do we do?
The aims of the Estonian Archives Abroad Working Group:
– mapping the cultural heritage of Estonians abroad (including the creation of web portals and specific databases);
– disseminating information on the cultural heritage of Estonians abroad;
– assessing the situation and needs of the collections containing the cultural heritage of Estonians abroad, offering assistance and advice, finding the necessary conditions for preservation of the collections – if needed;
– making the collections containing the cultural heritage of Estonians abroad available to the public;
– disseminating archival, museum, library and bibliographic know-how;
– promoting research in the field of the cultural heritage of Estonians abroad;
– making proposals for the financing of the aforementioned activities;
– developing a network of cooperation in the field of the cultural heritage of Estonians and Balts abroad, which includes memory and scholarly institutions, diplomatic and other institutions, international Baltic communities, organizations and individuals – at home and abroad.
Since the 2006 International Conference of Baltic Archives Abroad, the Working Group has conducted its activities based on the memorandum adopted at the Conference.
The Estonian Archives Abroad Working Group:
Piret Noorhani, Estonian Studies Centre, Tartu College, Chief Archivist (working group chairperson)
piretnoorhani[at]gmail.com, Ph. +416 925 9405
Karin Kiisk, Estonian National Museum, bibliographer
NPA Baltic Heritage Network (coordinator)
karin.kiisk[at]gmail.com, Ph. +372 55544269
Birgit Kibal, Estonian National Archives, Adviser
Birgit.Kibal[at]ra.ee, Ph. +372 7387562
Tiiu Kravtsev, Estonian National Archives, State Archives, Head, Collections Department
Tiiu.Kravtsev[at]ra.ee, Ph. +372 6938020
Riina Reinvelt, Estonian National Museum, Head Bursar
Riina.Reinvelt[at]erm.ee, Ph. +372 7350406
Kaja Kumer-Haukanõmm, Freelancer
Anu Korb, Estonian Literature Museum, Estonian Folk Poetry Archive, Senior Researcher
anu.korb[at]folklore.ee, Ph. +372 7377739
Merike Kiipus, Estonian Literature Museum, Archive Library, Head
merike.kiipus[at]kirmus.ee, Ph. +372 7377712
Vilve Asmer, Estonian Literature Museum, The Estonian Cultural History Archives, Head
Maarja Merivoo-Parro, University of Jyväskylä
The Latvian Archives Abroad Archival Working Group:
Kristine Bekere, Latvian Academy of Sciences
Inese Kalnina, The National Archives of Latvia
Gatis Karlsons, Directorate General of Latvia State Archives
The Lithuanian Archives Abroad Working Group:
Jolanta Budriūnienė, director of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania Documentary Heritage Research Department, Baltic Heritage Network vice-president
Valdonė Budreckaitė, senior researcher at Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania Lithuanian Studies Unit
Dalia Cidzikaitė, Ph.D., senior researcher at Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania Lithuanian Studies Unit
Giedrė Milerytė-Japertienė, Ph.D., head of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania Lithuanian Studies Unit
Laura Laurušaitė, Ph.D., researcher at the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore Department of Modern Literature